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Miroslav Blažeković  // Browsing posts in Miroslav Blažeković

Miroslav Blažeković | Comments Off on The Flowers that aren`t Flowers, but in a Tin

The Flowers that aren`t Flowers, but in a Tin

The Flowers that aren`t Flowers, but in a Tin

Mixed media – acrylic and oil on canvas Sold Cijeće koje nije cvijeće, ali je u vazi Kombinirana tehnika – akrilik i ulje na platnu Prodano Share on Facebook


Adoration of the Holy Elizabeth

Adoration of the Holy Elizabeth

Mixed media 100 x 120 cm Price: €500 Poklonstvo Sv. Elizabete Kombinirana tehnika 100 x 120 cm Cijena: €500 Share on Facebook


The Vision of Saint Augustine

The Vision of Saint Augustine

Mixed media 100 x 120 cm Price: €500 Viđenje Sv. Augustina Kombinirana tehnika 100 x 120 cm Cijena: €500 Share on Facebook


Miroslav Blažeković | Comments Off on Square of Victims of Fascism

Square of Victims of Fascism

Square of Victims of Fascism

Square of Victims of Fascism Oil on canvas 50 x 60 cm Price: €1800 Trg žrtava fašizma Ulje na platnu 50 x 60 cm Cijena: €1800 Share on Facebook


Miroslav Blažeković | Comments Off on New Zagreb

New Zagreb

New Zagreb

New Zagreb Acrylic on canvas 50 x 70 cm Price: €1800 Novi Zagreb Akrilik na platnu 50 x 70 cm Cijena: €1800 Share on Facebook


Miroslav Blažeković | Comments Off on Madonna with Child Jesus

Madonna with Child Jesus

Madonna with Child Jesus

Mixed media 50 x 70 cm Sold Majka Božja sa Djetetom Isusom Kombinirana tehnika 50 x 70 cm Prodano Share on Facebook